Booking a free market appraisal is easy. Just call your nearest office, or fill in a few details when you click on the 'Valuation Request' button below and leave the rest to us.
Our vast experience and expert local knowledge means we can make an accurate assessment of the value of your home and give advice that is tailored to get you the best possible price, in a timescale to suit you.
DRIFFIELD BRANCH (01377) 241919
BEVERLEY BRANCH (01482) 866844
Our instant valuation tool uses historical data of sale prices of similar sized properties in your area. This tool is only able to give a very approximate idea of the value of your home and is not able to take into account any unique features or improvements you have carried out and other information that can only be assessed by having a physical inspection by one of our experienced valuers.
Click on the button below to get your instant valuation.
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