The firm uses bespoke auction software with an experienced team of administration staff providing back-up. The auction team have a detailed working knowledge of agricultural plant and machinery and work closely with vendors to achieve a successful sale.
Our auctions team can provide a traditional complete onsite sales service and incorporate online remote bidding known as a Hybrid sale, and for those looking for a more discrete sale we can offer a timed online sales package.
Sales are promoted to a wide audience of regional, national and international purchasers, including individuals, machinery dealers and agents.
If you would like to discuss the sale of any machinery whether it is single items in our regular collective sales or a full dispersal sale, please contact:
Davina Fillingham BSc(Hons) MRICS FAAV NSch
t: (01377) 253151
m: 07841 051152
e: davina@dee-atkinson-harrison.co.uk
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